
Copy Blogger How To Write A Blog Post

31 Articles on Blog Writing

Articles about business bloggingA good business blog helps attract and engage potential clients.

It helps you raise awareness of your company, increase web traffic, start a "conversation" with prospective clients, and develop your authority. It creates an opportunity to sell.

Discover the basics of good business blogging

articles for beginning bloggersNew to blogging?

The articles below present a quick introduction to establishing a blogging routine and writing articles to engage your readers:

  • Blog strategy: How to create a must-read blog (without going crazy!)
  • Blog purpose: The "secret" to attracting more clients to your blog
  • Blog writing: How to write a good blog post super-fast (and the joy of slow-blogging)
  • Blogging habit: A 5-step plan for writing fresh content every week (even if you don't have time)
  • 29-point checklist: How to create a blog and seduce your readers to buy
  • Blog newsletters: 7 Steal-Worthy Emails to Boost Clicks (and Blog Readers)

The difference between copywriting and blog writing

Copywriting is persuasive writing: you want to encourage a reader to take a specific action, such as download a white paper, sign up for a newsletter, pick up the phone to talk to you, or buy your product.

Blog posts are educational and inspirational. A blog post doesn't have an immediate sales objective, but it does have a marketing purpose. By sharing your knowledge, experience, and skills, you grow your authority. Once blog readers get to know you, like you, and trust you, it becomes easier to sell to them.

A perfect recipe for blog writing

Recipe for business blog writingA blog post consists of different parts:

  • Your headline needs to attract attention and arouse curiosity
  • Your opening paragraph should entice visitors to start reading
  • The main body of your post solves a problem, provides tips, and explains your ideas with clarity
  • Your final paragraph should encourage readers to implement your advice, and your subheads should turn scanners into readers

The articles below explain how to write each part of your post so you engage people from your first word to the last:

  • Headline formulas: Steal these 10 nifty formulas from popular blogs
  • Headline practice: 39 ways to write deliciously seductive headlines
  • Headlines and subheads: The no-nonsense guide to writing online headlines and subheads
  • Opening paragraphs: 3 ways to captivate your audience with an irresistible opening
  • Opening sentence: How to captivate hurried readers with a magic opening line
  • Closing paragraphs: 5 powerful ways to fire up your audience with your closing paragraph
  • Clincher sentences: The #1 Way to Energize Your Message, Electrify Readers and Jump-Start Action

Most useful articles on writing the main body of your blog posts:

  • Clarity: A simple 4-step method for writing with clarity
  • Substance: 8 tips to turn flaky content into fascinating articles with substance
  • List posts: Write a list post that readers like, love and share

Dive deeper into advanced blogging techniques

advanced techniques for blog writingDo your blog posts lack oomph?

The articles below help you write with style and substance so you can engage and inspire your readers.

  • Simplify: 5 ways to simplify complex ideas (and communicate with clarity)
  • Tell stories: Add sparkle in 150 words or less
  • Narrative essay: Try this gripping storytelling format to spruce up drab writing
  • Sticky messages: Make your message sticky (so readers remember it forever and ever)
  • Metaphors: Use the persuasive power of metaphors
  • 14 metaphor examples: Paint vibrant pictures with your words
  • Empathy: Craft messages that resonate by nurturing empathy for your readers
  • Abstract vs concrete: How to share the 'big picture' without boring your readers to tears
  • Hook readers: Keep readers engaged with one-sentence cliffhangers
  • Skeptical audience: 4 tips from a #1 NYT bestseller on how to sell your ideas to fidgety skeptics
  • Write about yourself: 3 lessons from a bestselling author on writing with integrity

Want to turn your blog into a book? Check out these two articles:

  • Blog to book: Turn your blog into a bestselling book (and win more business)
  • Kindle: Harness the power of Kindle to build your business (on Copyblogger)

How to escape blogging misery

Stuck in a rut? Or fed up? Unsure how to connect with your readers?

The posts below help you get unstuck and overcome writing fears, so you can engage your readers and experience the joy of blogging:

  • Don't feel good enough? Here's an open letter for you
  • Originality: Does it seem like everything has been said already? Here's how to be original
  • Feel too boring? Here's how to be interesting as a blogger
  • Not charismatic enough? Learn how to be so inspirational that readers get addicted to your blog
  • Can't find your voice? Why you should stop searching for your authentic voice
  • Procrastinating? Here's how I learned to dance with my fears
  • Don't feel special enough? Here's how to be unique as a blogger
  • No authority yet? Learn how to write with power and authority, even if you feel like a nobody (on Copyblogger)
  • Feeling shy? Here's how to share personal stories (and captivate your readers)

>>> Check out more posts on writing habits, productivity and joy, including a detailed overview of the blog writing process.

In-depth resources on business blogging

  • Business blogging course

    Enchanting Blog Writing

    Learn how to captivate, educate, and inspire your readers; and share your ideas with gusto.

    Start at any time, work at your own pace.
    Learn more »

  • headline writing course

    Enchanting Headline Writing

    Learn how to write better headlines, get inspired, and gain more blog readers.

    Start at any time, work at your own pace.
    Learn more »

Kindle book on business blogging

  • Blog to Win Business

    Blog to Win Business

    Learn how to write engaging blog posts and position your blog as a must-read resource.

    Learn more »

Copy Blogger How To Write A Blog Post


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