
Go Back to School on the Web

Go Back to School on the Web

If you'Re sounding to brush up your academic skills only fundament't quite open the time or money to date from to school, the following deuce sites offer good input at no cost, and you can admittance them at a minute's notice.

Nonprofit site Caravan inn Academy offers short videos– each virtually 10 proceedings perennial on average–explaining topics in math, skill, history, economics, and some test homework. Although its collection of humanities videos is slim, Khan Academy has an astounding telephone number of math and science videos, explaining everything from basic arithmetic to "partial derivatives of vector valued functions." All the courses are conducted with a human teacher's sound over a blackboard-style projection screen, so you never actually understand a person. For much people, this musical arrangement might make for break A a scholarship strategy because you can just focus on the facts and figures in strawma of you. Many of the videos have supplemental problem sets that you can use to practice the things you just noninheritable.

Although you can watch the Khan Academy videos without signing up, you can too create a profile to track the clip you spend on the land site, as well equally the problem sets that you complete right. For extra motivation, Caravansary Honorary society awards badges to people who full-blown challenges. Some of the badges, which you receive after you complete the run for one or more courses–dismiss take months or yet years to attain.

Open Yale Courses, happening the other hand, offers videos of lectures originally premeditated for undergrad Yale students. Every "course" is a collection of a semester's worth of videos that each run close to an hour long. You have access to the course syllabus, so you can supplement the entropy you watch in the trounce video with problem sets and outside reading. If you're more of a humanities type, OYC offers courses on John Milton, Roman computer architecture, and much more, just it besides offers beginner courses in physics, biota, and astronomy.

The advantage of Exposed Yale Courses is that you get a untold more comprehensive view of a single bailiwick. The picture podcasts are available for download from iTunes as well, and all so often (at Yale's discretion) OYC will offer a mass of new, semester-long courses.

What's great about both services is that they'atomic number 75 totally free and entirely streamed video, so if you don't read something, you terminate pause and rewind to hear the part of the lecture you find unclear.


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